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We are saddened to report that our hommy YUK MC passed away on January 1st, 2025. He was not only a member of the P.U.C.K. cru and Krazy Shitz, but also a solo artist who had just gotten back in the game over the past few years as a labelmate at blocSonic. He could rock the mic and bang out the beats whether it be in the studio or up on stage. He will be missed, but his music lives on. Our condolences to his family, especially his young son, Stanley. Rest In Peace YUK MC.

OG3 Underground Hip-Hop Show with mostly Pot-C and maybe on Christmas, a little Cheese
on Osumi FM Network - Listen live here on Thursdays at 23:00 PM Japan Standard Time and Saturdays at 6:30 AM Japan Standard Time.
To listen to last week's show, click here. Yo Donnie Ozone - again it's really last week's episode sez Pot-C on February 16th, 2025!